How to Care for your Lawn During Winter in Louisiana

As winter approaches, you may be wondering how to keep your lawn healthy and ready for spring. The traditional idea of mowing your lawn in the summer is certainly not possible during the colder months, but there are still things you can do! In this blog post, I will provide some tips and tricks on how to mow your lawn in winter so that you can have a beautiful and healthy lawn for the upcoming season.

One of the most important things you can do before the first cut of the winter season is to prep your lawn for winter. There are a few things you can do to help your lawn stay healthy and ready for spring:

Mow your lawn regularly in the fall and winter. This will help to remove any dead or dying vegetation, and it will also keep the grass short and manageable. Be sure to leave at least 2 inches of grass height.

  1. Fertilize your lawn in the fall and winter. A good fertilizer will help to promote growth and keep your lawn healthy and replaces key nutrients the soil used up during our hot, long summers.

  2. Water your lawn regularly in the fall and winter. 

  3. Before a freeze: When you water your lawn before a freeze, the water actually gets absorbed into the soil and acts as a heat insulator that protects your lawn from the cold. As you follow the weather forecast and find out that on one of the upcoming nights the temperature will be below freezing, consider watering your lawn a day before

Tips to Keep Your Lawn Healthy all Winter Long

If you live in Louisiana, you know that winter can be a tough time to keep your lawn healthy. The cold temperatures and snow can make it difficult to get the lawn mowed, and the mowing can also damage the grass. However, with a few tips and some aftercare, your lawn can be healthy and ready for spring.

Before you start mowing, make sure to check the weather forecast. If it is predicted to be cold or snowy, wait until the weather clears up before you start mowing. If it is not predicted to be cold or snowy, then you can start mowing as usual.

When you are mowing, make sure to use a lawnmower that is designed for winter use. These lawnmowers have thicker blades that can handle the cold temperatures better.

Another tip for mowing in winter is to keep the blades of the lawnmower sharp. Dull blades can cause the lawn mower to overheat and damage the grass.

After you have mowed your lawn, make sure to water it well. Wet grass will be less likely to freeze and will stay healthy during the winter.

Finally, make sure to apply a winter lawn care product before the first frost. These products help keep the lawn healthy and prevent it from becoming damaged by the cold weather.


Aftercare Tips to Keep Your Lawn Healthy in Winter

In the cold weather, lawn care can be a challenge. But by following a few aftercare tips, you can ensure your lawn remains healthy and ready for spring.

First, make sure to Mow Your Lawn or Trim Hedges Regularly in Cold Weather: The less leaves on the ground, the better chance of avoiding disease and problems with moisture. 


If you don't have time to mow or trim regularly during colder months, at least follow these guidelines: Be sure to keep your grass a minimum of 2 inches tall during the winter months; increase water usage by 30% if possible (Want to learn about our in ground water irrigation systems? Contact us @ 225-252-4905; and strive to refrain from hard raking when it's cold outside.)


Second, Apply Fertilizer Sparingly in Cold Weather: Choose a fertilizer that is specifically designed for winter lawn care. Many fertilizers are formulated to provide all-year long results, but some are specifically designed for winter use. 


We recommend Fertilome Winterizer & Weed Preventer for St. Augustine and Centipede lawns. This product has a slow release and includes a pre-emergent herbicide called Dimension which will help prevent and control Crabgrass in the fall as well as a wide range of cool weather weeds. Remember to follow the directions on the bag and ALWAYS water your lawn deeply after applying fertilizer.


Applying fertilizers in colder weather can do more harm than good if done incorrectly. Over-fertilizing lawns (especially in early Spring) can cause nitrogen toxicity and encourage weed growth, both of which will be exacerbated during cold winter months.


Don’t forget to mulch your lawn regularly. This will help keep the soil warm and moist, which will help inhibit weed growth.


Lastly, prune your plants regularly. Pruning can remove dead or diseased branches, which will reduce the number of places for weeds to grow.


Here at PPI Landscaping, we can take care of any of your lawn, garden, landscape, sod and irrigation needs. From new installs, to new builds, we do it all.

Give us a call for a free consultation today 225-252-4905!





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