10 Helpful Tips to Minimize Damage in a Hurricane.

Preparing your yard for a hurricane involves several steps to minimize damage and ensure safety. Here are some key actions to take:

1. Secure Outdoor Furniture: Move patio furniture, grills, and other outdoor items indoors or secure them to prevent them from becoming projectiles.

2. Trim Trees and Shrubs: Prune any weak branches or dead trees that could fall during the storm. This helps reduce the risk of damage to your property.

3. Clear Gutters and Drains: Ensure gutters and drains are free of debris to prevent water buildup and potential flooding.

4. Protect Windows and Doors: Install storm shutters or board up windows with plywood. Secure doors and garage doors to withstand strong winds.

5. Check Fences and Sheds: Reinforce or dismantle weak structures that might not withstand hurricane-force winds.

6. Remove Loose Items: Pick up any garden tools, toys, or other objects that could be blown away or cause damage.

7. Secure Pools and Spas: Lower the water level slightly, add extra chlorine to prevent contamination, and cover the pool or spa if possible.

8. Turn Off Irrigation Systems: Shut off and secure sprinkler systems to avoid damage and unnecessary water usage.

9. Sandbags and Tarps: Use sandbags to divert water away from your home and tarps to cover valuable items that cannot be moved indoors.

10. Emergency Supplies: Keep yard tools, flashlights, batteries, and other emergency supplies accessible in case you need them after the storm.

Taking these precautions can help protect your property and reduce the impact of a hurricane.


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